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Just diagnosed with Adult ADHD?
Introduction (3:46)
Medication for ADHD is your choice (2:19)
Be kind to yourself! (4:35)
The importance of staying positive with your adult ADHD
Understanding the strengths that come with ADHD (5:08)
The more you complain, the more you'll believe you can't... (3:59)
Finding your support system
ADHD coaching (6:09)
Therapy for ADHD (2:51)
Other types of support for ADHD (3:30)
Self awareness and understanding your ADHD
Executive functions and how they run our lives (6:00)
Positive reinforcements for your executive functions! (1:46)
Self awareness is critical to thriving with adult ADHD (2:39)
What can you pay attention to? (4:13)
Identify common distractions in your life (2:52)
Get organized! (5:46)
How to minimize forgetfulness (2:35)
When do you focus best? (1:57)
Self awareness with social skills (2:48)
Identify when emotions get the best of you (3:02)
Taking care of you!
Taking care of mind and body has enormous benefits (5:56)
Find your good dopamine with passions and interests (3:03)
Time and energy management needs to be a priority in life
The basics of time management (2:19)
Understand your capacity (1:58)
Personal time-Claim it first! (1:28)
Always be adjusting your schedule...If needed... (2:11)
Don't drop everything for others (2:16)
Deadlines...Deadlines and more deadlines... (2:24)
Set your timers and alarms! (2:33)
ADHD in the workplace
Asking for accommodations at work (4:07)
Understanding and learning more about your ADHD
Books to read to help you with your ADHD (4:53)
Burnout and ADHD (4:50)
Is ADHD a superpower or a curse? (3:19)
When do you focus best?
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